Lovepacs is doing a Labor Day
Weekend Food Drop for families. 
 If you are interested in doing this, Club President will pick your donation bags up from you to deliver them as a club. Mark will help shop for you at the grocery store in case you don’t want to venture out.
Mark and other club volunteers are taking our donated items to Lovpac on Monday Aug 23rd. All you need to do is donate some items in a plastic grocery bag.  The shopping list is below. Lovepacs is taking items until Aug 29 if you are not able to get items to Mark by Aug 23rd.
Bags include:
1 can Vegetable (15 oz)
1 can Fruit (15 oz)
1 can Chef-Boy Pasta (with meat) or chunky Soup (15 oz)
1 can Chicken or Tuna (5 oz )
4 individual Granola Bars
2 individual Oatmeal packets
2 individual Ramen Noodle packets
1 box Macaroni and Cheese
2 individual Microwave Popcorn bags
2 individual cereal boxes/cups
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