Consider membership in the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club
Please consider joining the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club.
Our club is an award-winning club known in the community for its service. We know the need for community service volunteer activities such as ours is great. Our membership has big hearts, but to be able to continue our service mission in the community, we need more members like us that have a passion for giving of their time, talent and treasure.
We invite friends and neighbors to our meetings and service projects so they can learn about our club's passion for service. Such passion is infectious and these friends and neighbors become interested in being an active part of Rotary.
You can complete our online member inquiry form to be contacted by our membership chair.
This was the starting point of our membership committees plan for membership growth. We need to identify community members of all ages (20 years old and older) like ourselves that want to be engaged in serving the needs of the community.
- Membership Options - Designed to fit the needs of a diverse population of business professionals, not-for-profits, retirees, Rotarian family members, teachers, first responder's and corporate leaders seeking community involvement for budding executives and employees:
- Standard Individual Membership - Membership Cost $132/quarter. Members have the opportunity for a $30 engagement discount in recognition of those member that achieve a minimum of 75 participation points within the previous quarter. Participation points are achieved by meeting attendance, event participation, volunteering for community service projects, fundraiser participation, donations to the The Rotary Foundation and sponsoring a new member.
- Corporate Membership - Membership cost - $204/quarter (includes 1 designated RI member and up to 2 additional designated club members from that corporate organization. Designated club members are non-voting club members participating in the Lewisville Morning Rotary Club programs, projects and initiatives. This membership option includes sponsor recognition at all fund raisers and events. In addition, Corporate Membership includes advertising on all club publicity including the club website, newsletters, fliers and brochures
Should you wish more information, please contact any of the members listed on the homepage of this website.
To learn more about us, please contact one of our membership committee members listed below:
Mark Smith (Membership Chair)
Deanna Perkins (Membership Committee)
They will be happy to respond to you with additional information if you provide your name, address, email address and questions.